The North Central Region Water Network just announced funding for four seed projects in 2015. These seed grants are financed by the Extension Deans/Directors of the North Central region and designed to build regional collaborative teams addressing water issues.
The Network funds three types of projects including 1) Planning projects that lead to competitive grant proposals or other funding opportunities, 2) program delivery projects to support new multi-state Extension programming and 3) professional development for extension professionals on water related topics.
Additional information about the North Central Water Network and their funding opportunities are available at their web site. You can also participate in discussion among water resource professionals in the region by posting and subscribing the listserv maintained by the Network:
Posting Address
The 2015 funded proposals include:
Title: Increasing Volunteer Nutrient Monitoring and Outreach
with Extension across States
Lead investigator: Kris Stepenuck (WI),, (608) 265-3887
Participating states: Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Participating states: Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Award Amount: $26,480
Title: Mapping the Pathways for Effective Information
Dissemination and Education between Manure Nutrient Management Agriculture
Lead investigator: Erin Cortus (SD),, (605) 688-5144
Participating states: Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota
Award Amount: $25,658
Title: Watershed Management: Developing Leadership
Capacity in Collaboration and Civic Engagement for Collective Action
Lead investigators: Joe Bonnell (OH), 614-292-9383, and Barbara Radke (MN)
Participating states: Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin
Lead investigators: Joe Bonnell (OH), 614-292-9383, and Barbara Radke (MN)
Participating states: Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin
Award Amount: $22,945
Title: Capacity Building Workshop for Irrigation
Professionals in the North Central Region
Lead investigator: Joshua Stamper (MN),, 612-626-4986
Participating states:, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota
Award Amount: $16,034 (approximate)