late September, 30 faculty gathered to develop an educational plan for drought
issues during this coming winter. Five work groups formed around Beef Systems (led
by Jerry Volesky), Crop Systems (co-led by Jenny Rees and Robert Klein), Home
and Horticulture (led by John Fech), Farm Business Management (led by Allan
Vyhnalek) and Water Use in Agriculture (led by Gary Zoubek). In addition,
district drought teams formed to discuss and plan for those issues should be adapted
drought focused groups are also getting started. Wanda Koszewski is assembling
ideas for addressing “Consumer Food Costs”. Amy Timmerman would like to gather
a group to discuss “Youth Impacts from Drought” at Fall Conference. Thanks to
all faculty who are pro-actively assisting clientele with drought issues.
clientele group that Extension serves is unscathed by this summer's disaster.
With that in mind, we must recognize that all Extension faculty and staff
member needs to be a part of our UNL Extension’s Drought Response team. You may
not have been a part of the planning team that met in September, but every
faculty member's expertise and connections with clientele are needed. Below are
a few ways in which you can make a contribution to Extension’s Drought Response.
Review the work group's winter plans found on our Extension Action Team page ( ). Contact the work group leaders and offer to contribute some of your expertise and energy to their proposed plans.
- Review and become familiar with the breadth of resources found on . Which of these resources might be a topic for your next news column or radio broadcast?
- Promote linking by a local business or media web sites to our Drought Resources web page.
- Build drought into your winter educational programs plans.
- Help clientele connect to the expertise that can answer their specific questions. Chuck Burr and Jerry Volesky ran our drought booth at Husker Harvest Day. They used Skype to video-conference with other specialist and educators and allow clientele to have a face-to-face meeting with our Extension Experts.
Please add
your own suggestions through the Comment box for this blog.
Fall Conference, Extension will have a booth with a banner "Drought: Ask an
Extension Expert". Stop by and pick up business cards advertising our
Drought Resources web site or schedule the Banner for use this winter. We would
welcome hearing about your drought program plans or needs for this coming