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Monday, June 1, 2015

Extension Professionals and Avian Influenza

Sheila Purdum, Rick Koelsch, and Kathleen Lodl

With the recent announcements of highly pathogenic H5N2 avian influenza (HPAI) on four Nebraska farms (totaling 7 million layers and pullets destroyed), all Extension professionals need to consider our biosecurity and educational roles during this time.  Extension professionals should consider three questions relative to our role in responding to the outbreak of avian influenza in Nebraska. In addition, Dr. Purdum recently shared some additional Take Home Message on HPAI (click on link) for extension professionals. 

Would any of my interactions with Nebraska residents make me a part of the potential transmission of HPAI?  Our interactions with commercial poultry operations, back-yard flock, or even waterfowl and small birds (and their feces) could make us part of the transmission pathway.  It only takes the amount of virus that would fit on the head of a pin to cause an outbreak in a poultry house Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) asks that Extension professionals consider the following:

The advice below, at this time, is specific for educators east of Highway 281 and north of Interstate 80.

1.  Prior to traveling to a farm, call ahead and determine whether there is any poultry present on the farm. If poultry is present, and if possible, delay visits to the location through the month of June.

2.  If visit is deemed necessary:          

   a. Meet at a neutral location away from the farm; or

   b. Have the farmer provide the ride to their place with at least minimum biosecurity such as booties and Tyvek.   

All common biosecurity protocols should be practiced by everyone, regardless of location.

Bobbi Kriz-Wickham, Associate Director of NDA, May 28, 2015

North Dakota has shared the following Livestock Biosecurity advice (click on  link) with their Extension staff as expectations when interacting with farmers, ranchers, and others with livestock and poultry. We would suggest that Nebraska Extension employees print this off and carrying it with them.

Should we be hosting a poultry event at our county fair?  NDA's June 4, 2015 communication states:
"...  the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) today (June 4, 2015) cancelled all poultry events across Nebraska through January 1, 2016. The ban will include all events where birds are co-mingled including: local and county fairs and festivals, the Nebraska State Fair, Ak-Sar-Ben, swap meets, exotic sales and live bird auctions...".  The entire communication is found at http://www.nda.nebraska.gov/press/june2015/poultry_cancel.pdfhttp://www.nda.nebraska.gov/press/june2015/poultry_cancel.pdf.

Is this a teachable moment for information on 1) avian flu and 2)biosecurity to protect both humans and animals?  Other states in the region are encouraging bio-security practices and messaging at this summer’s fairs.  The attached ppt illustrates NDSU’s efforts to build best practices (click on link) and messaging into this year’s fairs.  NDA has also shared an example message appropriate for county fairs (click on link).  Consider some of these educational messages/signs as a part of Extension’s educational roles at county fairs.  

Thanks to Charles Stolenow, NDSU Extension, and Bobbi Kriz-Wickham, Nebraska Department of Agriculture for their contributions to these three questions.