Fall Conference will be modeling use of internet technologies in an educational environment. Please plan to show up at Fall Conference with the ability to use technology to interact with speakers, other conference participants, and your networks back home. And for those who cannot attend Fall Conference, there will be opportunity to connect with the keynote presentations and professional development sessions.
Every conference participant should be prepared to carry along their laptop, I-Pad, or smart phone to fully participate in Fall Conference. Don't have one of these technologies? Indicate that need when registering for Fall Conference or let Sheryl Burbach (sburbach2@unl.edu) know of your need to borrow an I-Pad for Fall Conference. Have an extra I-Pad or laptop that you could share with an Extension colleague at Fall Conference? Please let us know and we will attempt to match you up with a colleague in need.
Here are a few of our plans:
- Registration is hosted via EdMedia's new conference registration services. These services provide you with a full service, reasonably priced option for promoting and registering your educational programs and conferences.
- Leslie Fisher will present Technology Time Machine for a humorous look at what used to be considered technology and how those items have morphed and turned into even cooler things today and tomorrow that can change the way in which UNL Extension faculty and staff teach.
- Technology Café will help us grow our technology skill set with work stations for setting up a Twitter account, expanding your Adobe Connect skills, exploring electronic newsletter options, and others.
- All keynote presentations and workshops will be accessible and recorded on Adobe Connect. Office staff and faculty unable to attend can participate in all Fall Conference presentations.
- Twitter will be our "official" social media for interacting with speakers and peers through out the conference and sharing important insights with your networks back home. We want everyone to leave Fall Conference being Twitter literate.
- Cloud sharing...we will not be handing out paper at fall conference. Workshop ppts, handouts, meeting notes and minutes, agendas and schedules will all be found in a cloud environment (more information later).
Fall Conference will be a unique opportunity for both the technology high achievers and the technology challenged people (including myself). Come prepared to learn new skills, experience education in a technology world, and share what you are learning with others.